European Break

Ireland 2021

7 min read

On Monday 26th of July the Government of Ireland relaxed Covid-19 restrictions throughout the country and for me it was a day of joy as it meant people from the UK who had received both doses of the vaccination could visit the Ireland without having to self-isolate for 14 days. Oh, and also on that date the pubs could serve alcohol indoors which was an added bonus.

Uk Break


5 min read

May the 4th be with you. Freedom!!!After months of being in a level 4 lockdown we were set free albeit with some restrictions. Moving down [Read More…]

Uk Break

Balmoral Cairns

3 min read

Most people in Scotland will have heard of Balmoral Castle and will know that the Royal Family holiday there every year however not many people [Read More…]

Uk Break


7 min read

As all Scots will tell you, October can be a hit or a miss weather wise in Scotland and on this trip is was almost [Read More…]